I'm glad to see your interest in the project!
Well, we have started the engine build. So far only the crank is in the block as we have run in to problems with con rods.
It looks like the delivered con rods are not genuine K1 and I have ordered some Carrillo rods which should be in the shop on Monday or Tuesday. :/ There are situations where you can't take risks and switching to Carrillo is the way we were supposed to go from the early beginning.
Here are some pictures.
Cleaning the block
Finding new home for this crank. The crank itself has been slightly modified to allow better lubrication of the big end bearings as the EFR7670 will hopefully make some interesting torque figures.

We have also checked the bearing tolerances before we have closed the crank.
New valve springs have arrived, here is a picture of OEM spring compared to the ENEM ones.
New performance exhaust valves have arrived too. These are made with single collet grove and new collets were delivered too.
That is all for now.
We should finish the engine head tomorrow and photos will follow soon!
Hope you guys like the updates!