Used cars in Germany?


New member

I am currently looking for a S/V70R (2wd not 4wd) in Saffran with Dolby sorround (no RTI).
I am aware of the 2 biggest used car sites in germany: and

But none of those 2 sites has excatly the car i am looing for - are there any where else some of you would suggest that i look in germany? Private forums with used cars etc?

Looking forward to hearing some possible solutions :-)
Hey...welccome at the forum... ;)
Where do you come from...?

You could look in the Netherlands or Belgium...
There are a lot of R too...
The most of the R`s have awd...2wd are rare....
Hey...welccome at the forum...  ;)
Where do you come from...?

You could look in the Netherlands or Belgium...
There are a lot of R too...
The most of the R`s have awd...2wd are rare....


I am from Denmark. :-)

I have looked a bit in the Netherlands, and as you say they have alot of V70R, but most of them AWD. They have a few 2WD that i am looking at, but none of them really says 'bling' to me, sadly.

Do you know of any sites in Belgium that one could locate used cars on? i have not been able to find any big sites?

I have alson been looking at this one my self - it is almost perfect, but it is missing just one thing (or perhaps 2).
1. Dolby Sorround :-(
2. I think i have decided that i want an automatic gearbox - this one is manual.

But if i found the perfect car in the right color and Dolby sorround with manual gearbox i proberbly also would go for that one.